
browser / apd


doApd: (f: () => void) => void

If elements are potentially going to be added to the DOM, this function
should be called first and the elements should be appended within the
provided callback, which will be called synchronously. This ensures that
postApd works correctly. Note that match and mapHTML already handle
calling this function, and thus you probably should not ever need to use
this function is your own code.

postApd: (f: (el: T) => void) => (el: T) => void

This can be passed to an element that is being created. The callback is
called when the element has been added to the DOM.

browser / attr


accept: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

action: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

alt: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

async: (el: HTMLScriptElement) => boolean

autocomplete: (val: "off" | "on") => (el: HTMLInputElement) => void

charset: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: HTMLMetaElement) => void

checked: (checked: boolean) => (el: HTMLInputElement) => boolean

content: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

controls: (el: HTMLVideoElement) => boolean

crossorigin: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

datetime: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

dbg: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

defer: (el: HTMLScriptElement) => void

disable: (el: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement) => boolean

disabled: (disabled: any) => (el: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement) => boolean

download: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

enable: (el: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement) => boolean

enabled: (enabled: any) => (el: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement) => boolean

height: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

href: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

id: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

lang: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

max: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: HTMLInputElement) => void

min: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: HTMLInputElement) => void

multiple: (el: HTMLInputElement) => boolean

name: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

nonce: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

placeholder: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

poster: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: HTMLVideoElement) => void

preload: (val: "auto" | "metadata" | "none") => (el: HTMLVideoElement) => void

rel: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

rows: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

rowspan: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

size: (w: number, h?: number) => (el: Element) => Element

src: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

srcObject: (srcObject: MediaProvider) => (el: HTMLMediaElement) => MediaProvider

step: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

tabindex: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

target: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

title: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

type: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

value: (value: any) => (el: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement | HTMLTextAreaElement) => string

width: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

browser / cap


cap: (prop: PropView, cb: (v: T) => ((el: U) => void) | undefined) => (el: U) => void

roughly $$, but captures and frees on each prop change

browser / capture


Capture: Capture


Capture: () => Capture

onDestroy: (f: () => void) => void

browser / core


ApdArg: ApdArg

ApdArgs: ApdArgs

Cmt: Comment

Elt: Element

EltButton: HTMLButtonElement

EltDiv: HTMLDivElement

EltForm: HTMLFormElement

EltInput: HTMLInputElement

EltMedia: HTMLMediaElement

EltMeta: HTMLMetaElement

EltParagraph: HTMLParagraphElement

EltScript: HTMLScriptElement

EltSelect: HTMLSelectElement

EltStyle: HTMLStyleElement

EltTextArea: HTMLTextAreaElement

EltVideo: HTMLVideoElement

EltWithStyle: ElementCSSInlineStyle

Evt: Event

EvtBeforeUnload: BeforeUnloadEvent

EvtKeyboard: KeyboardEvent

EvtMouse: MouseEvent

EvtTgt: EventTarget

EvtTouch: TouchEvent

EvtTransition: TransitionEvent

Nod: Node


apd: (...chs: ApdArg[]) => (el: Node) => void

attr: (att: string) => (val: V) => (el: E) => void

clear: (el: Node) => string

cls: (cls: string) => (el: T) => void

clsIf: (cls: string) => (toggle: any) => (el: T) => boolean

com: (data: string) => Comment

elt: (t: K) => (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]

html: (chs: ApdArg[]) => (el: Node) => Node

on: (ev: string) => (fn: (el: U, ev: T) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

NOTE: callbacks are cast to any as strict TS complains about the argument type not being strictly Event

once: (ev: string, cb: (el: U, ev: T) => void) => (el: U) => void

orphan: (el: Node) => Node | null

swap: (o: T, n: T) => T

style: (att: string) => (...vals: ("" | T)[]) => (el: T) => T

text: (val: any) => (el: T) => string

browser / elt


_form: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLFormElement

_input: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLInputElement

_link: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLLinkElement

_meta: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLMetaElement

_style: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLStyleElement

a: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLAnchorElement

address: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

aside: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

b: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

body: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLBodyElement

br: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLBRElement

button: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLButtonElement

canvas: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLCanvasElement

code: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

dd: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

div: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLDivElement

dl: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLDListElement

dt: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

figcaption: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

figure: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

footer: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

form: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLFormElement

h1: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

h2: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

h3: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

h4: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

h5: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

h6: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadingElement

head: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHeadElement

header: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

hr: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHRElement

html: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLHtmlElement

i: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

img: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLImageElement

input: (_type: string, ...args: MixArgs) => HTMLInputElement

label: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLLabelElement

li: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLLIElement

link: (_rel: string, _href: string) => HTMLLinkElement

main: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

meta: (_name: string, _content: string) => HTMLMetaElement

nav: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

ol: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLOListElement

option: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLOptionElement

p: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLParagraphElement

pre: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLPreElement

script: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLScriptElement

section: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

select: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLSelectElement

small: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLElement

span: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLSpanElement

style: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLStyleElement

submit: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLButtonElement

table: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableElement

tbody: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableSectionElement

td: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableCellElement

textarea: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTextAreaElement

tfoot: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableSectionElement

th: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableCellElement

thead: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableSectionElement

time: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTimeElement

title: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTitleElement

tr: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLTableRowElement

ul: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLUListElement

video: (...args: MixArgs) => HTMLVideoElement

preventDefault: (el: EventTarget) => () => void

textCSS: (el: Element) => void

typeButton: (el: Element) => void

browser / fullscreen


Fullscreen: () => PropView

browser / game / animate


Anim: Anim


Anim: (rate: number, frames?: number[] | undefined) => Anim

Animate: (anim: Anim) => (thing: Thing & Animate & Sprite) => void

browser / game / box


Box: Box

BoxArgs: BoxArgs

BoxDims: BoxDims


Box: (args: BoxArgs) => (thing: Thing & BoxDims & WV) => void

BoxDebug: (thing: Thing & BoxDims & WV) => void

BoxDims: (args: BoxArgs) => { l: number; r: number; t: number; b: number; }

BoxRect: (x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) => Box

includes: (bp: Readonly, b: BoxDims, p: Readonly) => boolean

overlaps: (ap: Readonly, a: BoxDims, bp: Readonly, b: BoxDims) => boolean

browser / game / camera


Camera: Camera


Camera: (focus: Readonly, getZoom: () => number, follow?: { pos: Readonly; }) => Camera

browser / game / danvas


Ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D


set: (att: T) => (val: CanvasRenderingContext2D[T]) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => CanvasRenderingContext2D[T]

align: (val: CanvasTextAlign) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => CanvasTextAlign

baseline: (val: CanvasTextBaseline) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => CanvasTextBaseline

bevel: (r: number, g: number, b: number, iterations: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

circle: (x: number, y: number, r: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

clear: (x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

clearAll: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

Danvas: (_width: number, _height: number, ...args: MixArgs) => HTMLCanvasElement

each: (start: number, end: number, step: number, cb: (i: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void) => (el: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => CanvasRenderingContext2D

fills: (val: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern

font: (val: string) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => string

image: (img: CanvasImageSource, sx: number, sy: number, sw: number, sh: number, dx: number, dy: number, dw: number, dh: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

move: (x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

outline: (threshold?: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

parc: (x: number, y: number, r: number, start: number, end: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pbegin: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pclip: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pend: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pfill: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pixel: (x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pixelCircle: (_x: number, _y: number, rx: number, ry?: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pline: (x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

plineJoin: (val: CanvasLineJoin) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => CanvasLineJoin

pmove: (x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pop: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

pstroke: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

push: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

rect: (x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

rotate: (ang: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

scale: (x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

shrink: (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

solidify: (threshold?: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

strokeWidth: (val: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => number

strokes: (val: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern

text: (text: string, x: number, y: number) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

withCtx: (...args: MixArgs) => (can: HTMLCanvasElement) => void

browser / game / game


Game: (run: () => (dt: number) => void) => void

browser / game / group


Group: (...members: T[]) => (group: Thing & Group) => void

addAll: (...things: T[]) => (group: Group) => void

browser / game / keys


Key: (key: string | number) => { down: () => boolean; justDown: () => boolean; }

initKeys: (el: Element) => () => void

browser / game / loop


Loop: (fn: () => void) => { destroy(): void; paused: () => boolean; start(): ...; stop(): ...; }

browser / game / moose


Moose: (el: T) => Moose

browser / game / physics


Physics: ({ drag, gravity }?: { drag?: number | undefined; gravity?: number | undefined; }) => (thing: Thing & WV & Physics) => void

physicsStep: (thing: { acc: Readonly; pos: Readonly; vel: Readonly; }, drag: Readonly, dt: number) => void

browser / game / pool


Pool: (get: (pool: Pool) => T) => (group: Thing & Pool) => void

browser / game / sprite


ImageSource: (_src: string, ...args: MixArgs) => HTMLImageElement

img: (src: CanvasImageSource) => (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void

init: () => Promise

Sprite: (img: HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLImageElement) => (thing: Thing & BoxDims & WV & Sprite) => void

Canvas: (w: number, h: number, ...args: MixArgs) => HTMLCanvasElement

Offset: (x: number, y: number) => (thing: Thing & Sprite) => void

SrcBox: (w: number, h?: number) => (thing: Thing & Sprite) => void

browser / game / state


State: State


State: ({ enter, leave, step }?: Partial) => State

StateAfter: (seconds: number, after: () => void, { enter, leave, step }?: Partial) => State

StateProp: (initial: State) => Prop

nop: () => void

browser / game / sync-mouse


SyncMouse: SyncMouse


SyncMouse: () => SyncMouse

browser / game / thing


Thing: (...args: MixArgs) => T

browser / gl / buffer


RectangleData: (x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) => Float32Array

browser / gl / shader


RokayLocation: RokayLocation

RokayUniform1i: RokayUniform1i

RokayUniform2fv: RokayUniform2fv

RokayUniform4fv: RokayUniform4fv

RokayUniformMatrix3fv: RokayUniformMatrix3fv

RokayVertexAttribArray: RokayVertexAttribArray

RokayLocations: RokayLocations

Programmable: Programmable

RokayProgram: RokayProgram

RokayShader: RokayShader


FragmentShader: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, src: string, locations: Programmable) => RokayShader

Program: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, fragment: RokayShader, vertex: RokayShader) => RokayProgram<...>

Shader: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, type: number, src: string, locations: Programmable) => RokayShader

Uniform1i: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, name: string) => (i: number) => void

Uniform2fv: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, name: string) => (v: [number, number]) => void

Uniform4fv: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, name: string) => (v: [number, number, number, number]) => void

UniformLocation: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, uniform: string) => WebGLUniformLocation

UniformMatrix3fv: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, name: string) => (m: Matrix3D) => void

VertexAttribArray: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, program: WebGLProgram, name: string) => RokayVertexAttribArray

VertexShader: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, src: string, locations: Programmable) => RokayShader

browser / gl / texture


RokayFramebuffer: RokayFramebuffer

RokayFramebuffers: RokayFramebuffers

RokayTexture: RokayTexture


Framebuffer: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, width: number, height: number) => RokayFramebuffer

Framebuffers: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, width: number, height: number) => RokayFramebuffers

Texture: (gl: WebGLRenderingContext, wrap?: number) => RokayTexture

browser / gl / utils


withGL: (...args: MixArgs) => (can: HTMLCanvasElement) => void

browser / hot-keys


HotKeys: HotKeys

Listeners: Listeners


HotKeys: (listeners: Listeners, ctrlListeners?: Listeners, debug?: boolean) => HotKeys

browser / http


queryString: (...args: [string, string | number | undefined][]) => string

req: (method: "delete" | "get" | "post" | "put", url: string, data?: object | undefined) => Promise

statusIs: (...statuses: number[]) => (req: XMLHttpRequest) => U

statusIsOK: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => U

statusIsCreated: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => U

statusIsDeleted: (req: XMLHttpRequest) => U

toFD: (json: Record) => FormData

browser / idb



a wrapper around IDBDatabase that provides helpers for running transactions,
migrations, and creating Promisified ObjectStores


TransactCallback: TransactCallback

a callback passed to DBDB.transact or DBDB.migrate

Migration: Migration

MigrationCtx: MigrationCtx


getDB: (name: string, args: MixArgs) => Promise

createObjectStore: (name: string, params?: IDBObjectStoreParameters | undefined) => ({ db }: MigrationCtx) => IDBObjectStore

idbReq: (req: IDBRequest, onSuccess: (v: T) => void, onError?: ((error: DOMException) => void) | undefined) => IDBRequest

This helper exists for a few reasons:
1. IDB txns only continue if successive requests are made during the
   success or error handlers of the request. This rules out a Promise API
   so this API makes it easier to add listeners in a single expression.
2. The callbacks receive the result/error as an argument so that they
   don't have to be awkwardly read off of or what have you.
3. This uses the more verbose addEventListener so that multiple success or
   error callbacks can be added without stepping on each other.

DBDB: (db: IDBDatabase) => DBDB

a wrapper around IDBDatabase that provides helpers for running transactions,
migrations, and creating Promisified ObjectStores

DBOS: (db: IDBDatabase, name: string) => DBOS

browser / local-storage


LocalStore: LocalStore


LocalStore: (key: string, def: () => T) => LocalStore

PropLS: (key: string, def: T) => Prop

browser / map


Off: Off


mapHTML: (prop: PropView, render: (v: T) => V, empty?: ApdArg) => (el: Element & ElementCSSInlineStyle) => void

Off: (p?: Off | undefined, cap?: Capture | undefined, n?: Off | undefined) => Off

browser / match


match: (prop: PropView, render: (v: T) => Node | null | undefined) => Node

matchIf: (prop: PropView, render: (v: T) => Node | null | undefined) => Node

browser / mount


mount: (el: T, render: () => Mixin) => void

browser / navigator

browser / on


onBeforeunload: (fn: (el: U, ev: BeforeUnloadEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onBlur: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onChange: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onClick: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onDblclick: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onError: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onFocus: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onFullscreenchange: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onInput: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onKeydown: (fn: (el: U, ev: KeyboardEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onKeypress: (fn: (el: U, ev: KeyboardEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onKeyup: (fn: (el: U, ev: KeyboardEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onLoad: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onLoadedmetadata: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMousedown: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMouseleave: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMousemove: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMouseout: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMouseover: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onMouseup: (fn: (el: U, ev: MouseEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onPopstate: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onResize: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onScroll: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onSubmit: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onTouchend: (fn: (el: U, ev: TouchEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onTouchleave: (fn: (el: U, ev: TouchEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onTouchmove: (fn: (el: U, ev: TouchEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onTouchstart: (fn: (el: U, ev: TouchEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onTransitionend: (fn: (el: U, ev: TransitionEvent) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

onVisibilitychange: (fn: (el: U, ev: Event) => void) => (el: U) => () => void

browser / prop


$: (prop: PropView, f: (v: T) => ((el: U) => void) | null) => (el: U) => void

$$: (prop: PropView, f: (el: U, v: T) => void) => (el: U) => void

bind: (prop: Prop) => (el: T) => T

browser / router


BrowserRouter: () => Router

browser / style


GlobalValues: GlobalValues


alignItems: (...vals: ("" | "center" | "end" | "start" | GlobalValues | "baseline")[]) => (el: T) => T

animationDelay: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

background: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

backgroundColor: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

border: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

borderBottom: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

borderLeft: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

borderRadius: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

borderRight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

borderTop: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

bottom: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

boxShadow: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

boxSizing: (...vals: ("" | GlobalValues | "border-box" | "content-box")[]) => (el: T) => T

color: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

cursor: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

display: (...vals: ("" | "none" | GlobalValues | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline" | "inline-block" | "inline-flex" | "inline-grid")[]) => (el: T) => T

fill: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

flex: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

flexDirection: (...vals: ("" | GlobalValues | "column" | "row")[]) => (el: T) => T

float: (...vals: ("" | "none" | "left" | "right" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

fontFamily: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

fontSize: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

fontStyle: (...vals: ("" | "normal" | GlobalValues | "italic" | "oblique")[]) => (el: T) => T

fontWeight: (...vals: ("" | "normal" | GlobalValues | "bold" | "bolder" | "boldest")[]) => (el: T) => T

gap: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

gridTemplateColumns: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

height: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

imageRendering: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | GlobalValues | "crisp-edges" | "pixelated")[]) => (el: T) => T

justifyContent: (...vals: ("" | "center" | "end" | "start" | GlobalValues | "space-around" | "space-between")[]) => (el: T) => T

left: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

lineHeight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

margin: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

marginBottom: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

marginLeft: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

marginRight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

marginTop: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

maxHeight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

maxWidth: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

minHeight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

minWidth: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

opacity: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

outline: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

overflow: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "scroll" | GlobalValues | "hidden")[]) => (el: T) => T

padding: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingBottom: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingLeft: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingRight: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingTop: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

pointerEvents: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "none" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

position: (...vals: ("" | GlobalValues | "absolute" | "fixed" | "relative" | "static" | "sticky")[]) => (el: T) => T

right: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

size: (w: string, h?: string) => (el: T) => T

strokeDasharray: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

strokeWidth: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

textAlign: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

top: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

transform: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

transformOrigin: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

transition: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

userSelect: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "none" | GlobalValues | "all" | "contain" | "text")[]) => (el: T) => T

verticalAlign: (...vals: ("" | "sub" | "bottom" | "middle" | "top" | GlobalValues | "baseline" | "super" | "text-bottom" | "text-top")[]) => (el: T) => T

visibility: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

whiteSpace: (...vals: ("" | "pre" | "normal" | GlobalValues | "break-spaces" | "nowrap" | "pre-line" | "pre-wrap")[]) => (el: T) => T

width: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

zIndex: (...vals: (string | number)[]) => (el: T) => T

hide: (el: T) => T

invisible: (el: T) => T

show: (el: T) => T

visible: (el: T) => T

hideIf: (h: any) => (el: T) => T

showIf: (s: any) => (el: T) => T

visibleIf: (v: boolean) => (el: T) => T

browser / svg / attr


cx: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

cy: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

d: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

dx: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

dy: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

fill: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

fontSize: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

height: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

patternUnits: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

points: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

r: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

rx: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

ry: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

stroke: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

strokeDasharray: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

strokeDashoffset: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

strokeLinecap: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

strokeLinejoin: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

strokeWidth: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

textAnchor: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

transform: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

version: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

viewBox: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

width: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

x: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

x1: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

x2: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

xmlns: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

y: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

y1: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

y2: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Element) => void

browser / svg / elt


elt: (t: K) => (...args: MixArgs) => SVGElementTagNameMap[K]

circle: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGCircleElement

defs: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGDefsElement

ellipse: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGEllipseElement

g: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGGElement

line: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGLineElement

path: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGPathElement

pattern: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGPatternElement

polygon: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGPolygonElement

polyline: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGPolylineElement

rect: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGRectElement

text: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGTextElement

svg: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGSVGElement

_svg: (...args: MixArgs) => SVGSVGElement

browser / visible


Visible: Visible

Interval: Interval



Visible: () => Visible

browser / window


WindowSize: () => Prop>

data / array


ArrayIsh: ArrayIsh

ArrayLike: ArrayLike


each: (a: T, f: (a: T[0], i: number) => any) => T

equal: (a: T[], b: T[], equal?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean) => boolean

filterNotNil: (a: (T | undefined)[]) => T[]

groupBy: (a: T[], by: (v: T) => string) => Record

insert: (a: T[], i: number, v: T) => T[]

inserts value v at index i such that a[i] === v afterwords

max: (a: number[], min?: number) => number

maxBy: (a: T[], get: (v: T) => number, min?: number) => number

mapNotNull: (a: ArrayLike, f: (v: T, i: number) => U | undefined) => U[]

min: (a: number[], max?: number) => number

minBy: (a: T[], get: (v: T) => number, max?: number) => number

remove: (a: T[], v: T) => T[]

replace: (a: T[], o: T, n: T) => T[]

sum: (a: number[], base?: number) => number

sumBy: (a: T[], get: (v: T) => number, base?: number) => number

swap: (a: T[], i: number, j: number) => T[]

tab: (L: number, f: (i: number) => T) => T[]

tab2d: (rows: number, cols: number, f: (r: number, c: number) => T) => T[][]

toMap: (a: T[], by: (v: T) => string) => Record

data / diff


Diff: Diff

DiffAdd: DiffAdd

DiffDelete: DiffDelete

DiffKeep: DiffKeep


diff: (old: T[], nu: T[]) => Diff

cached: (f: (a: T, b: T) => U) => (a: T, b: T) => U

diffSize: (diff: Diff) => number

data / dll



DLLish: DLLish

DLLNode: DLLNode


DLL: >() => DLL

DLL_append: >(dll: DLL, node: T) => void

DLL_each: >(dll: DLL, cb: (node: T) => void) => void

DLL_iter: >(node: DLLNode | undefined, cb: (node: T) => void) => void

DLL_len: >(dll: DLL) => number

DLL_remove: >(dll: DLL, item: T, full: boolean) => void

data / fun


identity: (v: T) => T

isFalsy: (v: T) => boolean

isTruthy: (v: T) => boolean

nop: () => void

not: (v: T) => boolean

returnFalse: () => boolean

returnTrue: () => boolean

strictEqual: (a: T, b: T) => boolean

data / map


getOrPut: (o: Map, key: K, f: () => T) => T

data / object


getOrPut: (o: { [key: string]: T; }, key: string, f: () => T) => T

omap: (o: { [key: string]: T; }, f: (p: T, key: string) => U | undefined) => { [key: string]: U; }

ownmap: (o: { [key: string]: T; }, f: (p: T, key: string) => U) => { [key: string]: U; }

data / option


Option: Option

None: None

Some: Some


Some: (value: T) => Some

data / set


add: (set: Set, value: T) => Set

containsAll: (a: Set, b: Set) => boolean

difference: (a: Set, b: Set) => Set

equal: (a: Set, b: Set) => boolean

intersection: (a: Set, b: Set) => Set

map: (set: Set, map: (v: T) => U) => Set

remove: (set: Set, value: T) => Set

union: (a: Set, b: Set) => Set

data / string


capitalize: (str: string) => string

data / validation


asArray: (map: (v: unknown) => T) => (v: unknown) => T[]

asBoolean: (v: unknown) => boolean

asInt: (v: unknown) => number

asLiteral: (l: T) => (v: unknown) => T

asMap: (map: (v: unknown) => V) => (v: unknown) => { [key: string]: V; }

asNil: (v: unknown) => undefined

asNumber: (v: unknown) => number

asObject: (map: (v: {}) => T) => (v: unknown) => T

asOneOf: (...options: T[]) => (v: unknown) => T

asString: (v: unknown) => string

asStringLiteral: (l: T) => (v: unknown) => T

asUnion: (...options: ((v: unknown) => T)[]) => (v: unknown) => T

excludes: (...values: string[]) => (v: string) => string | undefined

getInt: (id: string) => Promise

getObject: (body: unknown) => Promise

hasOwnProperty: (obj: X, prop: Y) => obj is X & Record

matches: (re: RegExp) => (v: string) => " contains invalid characters" | undefined

max: (max: number) => (v: number) => string | undefined

maxLength: (max: number) => (v: string) => string | undefined

maxLengthArray: (max: number) => (v: T[]) => string | undefined

min: (min: number) => (v: number) => string | undefined

minLength: (min: number) => (v: string) => string | undefined

minLengthArray: (min: number) => (v: T[]) => string | undefined

notEmpty: (v: string) => " is Required" | undefined

optional: (obj: X, prop: Y, map: (u: unknown) => V, getError?: (v: V) => void | E | undefined) => V | undefined

required: (obj: X, prop: Y, map: (u: unknown) => V, getError?: (v: V) => void | E | undefined) => V

validateAll: (...validators: ((v: V) => E | undefined)[]) => (v: V) => E | undefined

ValidationError: (message: string) => { t: string; message: string; }

math / matrix3d


Matrix3D: Matrix3D

Vector3D: Vector3D


identity: () => Matrix3D

multiply: (a: Matrix3D, b: Matrix3D) => Matrix3D

projection2d: (width: number, height: number) => Matrix3D

rotation: (angle: number) => Matrix3D

scale: (sx: number, sy: number) => Matrix3D

translation: (tx: number, ty: number) => Matrix3D

vMultiply: (v: Vector3D, m: Matrix3D) => Vector3D

math / random


Random: Random


coin: () => boolean

float: (low: number, high: number) => number

int: (low: number, high: number) => number

math: () => number

parity: () => 1 | -1

percent: (p: number) => boolean

pick: (a: T[]) => T

Random: (seed?: number) => Random

rgb: () => string

seedCreate: () => number

shuffle: (a: T[]) => T[]

math / v


V: Readonly

represents a 2D vector. These should generally be used in an immutable way.


represents a 2D vector with components that can be written to.


V: (x: number, y: number) => Readonly

represents a 2D vector. These should generally be used in an immutable way.

V_: (a: T, b: Readonly) => T

VB: (s: number) => Readonly

VC: (v: WV) => Readonly

VE: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

VN: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

VS: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

VW: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

WV: (x: number, y: number) => WV

represents a 2D vector with components that can be written to.

abs: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

abs_: (v: WV) => WV

ang: (p: WV) => number

ceil: (p: WV) => Readonly

ceil_: (p: WV) => WV

divide: (p: Readonly, d: number) => Readonly

divide_: (p: WV, d: number) => WV

divideComponents: (p: Readonly, s: Readonly) => Readonly

divideComponents_: (v: WV, s: Readonly) => WV

dot: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => number

eq: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => boolean

floor: (p: WV) => Readonly

floor_: (p: WV) => WV

interpolateLinear: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly, frac: number) => WV

iter: (min: Readonly, max: Readonly, f: (v: WV) => void) => void

len: (p: Readonly) => number

len2: (p: Readonly) => number

map: (v: Readonly, f: (n: number) => number) => Readonly

map_: (v: WV, f: (n: number) => number) => WV

max: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

max_: (a: WV, b: Readonly) => WV

min: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

min_: (a: WV, b: Readonly) => WV

minus: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

minus_: (a: WV, b: Readonly) => WV

plus: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

plus_: (a: WV, b: Readonly) => WV

proj: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

proj_: (a: WV, b: Readonly) => WV

rotate: (p: Readonly, r: number) => WV

rotate_: (p: WV, r: number) => WV

round: (p: WV) => Readonly

round_: (v: WV) => WV

scale: (p: Readonly, s: number) => Readonly

scale_: (v: WV, s: number) => WV

scaleComponents: (p: Readonly, s: Readonly) => Readonly

scaleComponents_: (v: WV, s: Readonly) => WV

unit: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

unitOfAng: (a: number) => Readonly

math / v3


V3: Readonly

WV3: WV3


V3: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => Readonly

V3_: (a: T, b: Readonly) => T

V3Cube: (s: number) => Readonly

V3Clone: (v: WV3) => Readonly

WV3: (x: number, y: number, z: number) => WV3

abs3: (v: Readonly) => Readonly

abs3_: (v: WV3) => WV3

ceil3: (p: WV3) => Readonly

ceil3_: (p: WV3) => WV3

divide3: (p: Readonly, d: number) => Readonly

divide3_: (p: WV3, d: number) => WV3

divideComponents3: (p: Readonly, s: Readonly) => Readonly

divideComponents3_: (v: WV3, s: Readonly) => WV3

dot3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => number

eq3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => boolean

floor3: (p: WV3) => Readonly

floor3_: (p: WV3) => WV3

interpolateLinear3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly, frac: number) => WV3

iter3: (min: Readonly, max: Readonly, f: (v: WV3) => void) => void

len3: (p: Readonly) => number

len3Squared: (p: Readonly) => number

map3: (v: Readonly, f: (n: number) => number) => Readonly

map3_: (v: WV3, f: (n: number) => number) => WV3

max3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

max3_: (a: WV3, b: Readonly) => WV3

min3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

min3_: (a: WV3, b: Readonly) => WV3

minus3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

minus3_: (a: WV3, b: Readonly) => WV3

plus3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

plus3_: (a: WV3, b: Readonly) => WV3

proj3: (a: Readonly, b: Readonly) => Readonly

proj3_: (a: WV3, b: Readonly) => WV3

round3: (p: WV3) => Readonly

round3_: (v: WV3) => WV3

scale3: (p: Readonly, s: number) => Readonly

scale3_: (v: WV3, s: number) => WV3

scaleComponents3: (p: Readonly, s: Readonly) => Readonly

scaleComponents3_: (v: WV3, s: Readonly) => WV3



Mixin: Mixin

A function to be called on an object, given as an argument to mix

MixArgs: MixArgs

Arguments to be passed to mix. undefined arguments are ignored


mix: (...args: MixArgs) => (el: T) => T

The foundational function of all things rokay

mixCall: (el: T, args: MixArgs) => T

mixer: (el: T) => (...args: MixArgs) => T

prop / alias


alias: (prop: PropView, get: (t: T) => PropView) => PropView

Returns a PropView that changes if the PropView returned from get changes,
or if prop changes.
Listeners/props added during the function are captured and freed on change.

prop / async


Async: Async

AsyncAction: AsyncAction

Asink: Asink


Asink: ({ data, gen }: { data?: T | undefined; gen?(): Promise; }) => Asink

cached: (async: PropView>) => PropView>

prop / capturing


Capturing: (get: () => T, equal?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean) => Capturing

This needs to be an interface to return `this` in `PropView`

prop / derive


derive: (prop: PropView, f: (t: T) => U, equal?: (a: U, b: U) => boolean) => PropView

Creates a PropView that uses the function f to map the given prop to a new value.
This PropView will change as the given prop changes.
Listeners/props added during the function are captured and freed on change.

prop / map


flatMap: (props: PropView, map: (v: T) => PropView) => PropView

map: (prop: Prop, map: (v: T) => U) => PropView

prop / prop


PropListener: PropListener

ListenerNode: ListenerNode


Prop: (val: T, equal?: (a: T, b: T) => boolean) => Prop

This needs to be an interface to return `this` in `PropView`

PropConst: (val: T) => PropView

prop / tuple


Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

Tuple: { (a: PropView): PropView<[A]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView): PropView<[A, B]>; (a: PropView, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropView<...>, c: PropView<...>, d: PropView<...>): PropView<...>; (a: PropView<...>, b: PropV...

prop / utils


getOrPut: (prop: Prop, create: () => T) => T

iff: (prop: PropView, map: (v: T) => U) => U | undefined

log: (prop: PropView, label: string) => PropView

route / query


Queries: Queries

QueryParamSerde: QueryParamSerde


pair: (key: string, arg: T | undefined, ser: (v: T) => string[] | undefined) => string | undefined

parse: (search: string) => Record

qStr: (...args: (string | undefined)[]) => string

qsOneOf: (...options: T[]) => QueryParamSerde

qsSetOf: (...options: T[]) => QueryParamSerde

route / route


RouteArgs: RouteArgs

RetAuto: RetAuto

RetStatic: RetStatic

Route: Route

ArgRoute: ArgRoute

ChildRoute: ChildRoute

RouteExact: RouteExact

RouteInt: RouteInt

RouteIndex: RouteIndex

RouteStar: RouteStar

RouteString: RouteString

BaseRoute: BaseRoute

MethodArgs: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>


RetAuto: (html?: "client" | "server" | undefined, json?: Type | undefined, status?: number | undefined) => RetAuto

RetHTML: (html: "client" | "server", status?: number | undefined) => RetAuto

RetJSON: (json: Type, status?: number | undefined) => RetAuto

RetStatic: () => RetStatic

RouteIndex: (methods: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>, children?: ChildRoute[] | undefined) => RouteIndex

RouteStar: (id: string, methods: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>, children?: ChildRoute[] | undefined) => RouteStar

RouteExact: (id: string, methods: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>, children?: ChildRoute[] | undefined) => RouteExact

RouteInt: (id: string, methods: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>, children?: ChildRoute[] | undefined) => RouteInt

RouteString: (id: string, methods: Partial<{ delete: RouteArgs; get: RouteArgs; post: RouteArgs; put: RouteArgs; }>, children?: ChildRoute[] | undefined) => RouteString

route / router


Router: Router


matchOpt: (re: RegExp, cb: (match: string[], parsed: PropView>) => T) => (path: string, parsed: PropView>) => None | Some<...>

route / type


QuerySpec: QuerySpec

TemplatePart: TemplatePart

Type: Type

TypeADT: TypeADT

TypeArray: TypeArray

TypeFun: TypeFun

TypeFunParam: TypeFunParam

TypeImport: TypeImport

TypeInt: TypeInt

TypeMap: TypeMap

TypeNumber: TypeNumber

TypeNumberLiteral: TypeNumberLiteral

TypeObject: TypeObject

TypeOptional: TypeOptional

TypeString: TypeString

TypeStringLiteral: TypeStringLiteral

TypeUnion: TypeUnion

TypeWord: TypeWord

TypeProps: TypeProps


qsFirstAsDateOrNil: () => QuerySpec

qsFirstAsIntOr0: () => QuerySpec

qsFirstOrNil: () => QuerySpec

qsOneOf: (...options: string[]) => QuerySpec

qsSetOf: (...options: string[]) => QuerySpec

adtToUnion: ({ types }: TypeADT) => TypeUnion

TypeADT: (types: Record>) => TypeADT

TypeArray: (type: Type, props?: { maxLength?: number | undefined; minLength?: number | undefined; } | undefined) => TypeArray

TypeBoolean: () => TypeWord

TypeFun: (params: TypeFunParam[], ret: Type) => TypeFun

TypeImport: (alias: string, file: string) => TypeImport

TypeInt: (props?: { max?: number | undefined; min?: number | undefined; } | undefined) => TypeInt

TypeIntersection: (a: Type, b: Type) => TypeObject

TypeMap: (type: Type) => TypeMap

TypeNumber: (props?: { max?: number | undefined; min?: number | undefined; } | undefined) => TypeNumber

TypeNumberLiteral: (value: number) => TypeNumberLiteral

TypeNumberUnion: (options: T[]) => TypeUnion

TypeObject: (entries: Record) => TypeObject

TypeOptional: (type: Type) => TypeOptional

TypePartial: (obj: TypeObject) => TypeObject

TypeString: (props?: { excludes?: string[] | undefined; matches?: RegExp | undefined; maxLength?: number | undefined; minLength?: number | undefined; notEmpty?: boolean | undefined; } | undefined) => TypeString

TypeStringLiteral: (value: string) => TypeStringLiteral

TypeStringUnion: (options: T[]) => TypeUnion

TypeUndefined: () => TypeWord

TypeUnion: (types: Type[]) => TypeUnion

TypeVoid: () => TypeWord

TypeWord: (str: string, props?: { typeArgs?: Type[] | undefined; } | undefined) => TypeWord

server / attr


accept: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

action: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

alt: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

async: (el: EltScript) => void

autocomplete: (val: "off" | "on") => (el: EltInput) => void

charset: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltMeta) => void

checked: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltInput) => void

content: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

controls: (el: EltVideo) => void

crossorigin: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

datetime: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

dbg: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

defer: (el: EltScript) => void

disable: (el: EltButton | EltInput | EltTextArea) => void

disabled: (disabled: any) => (el: EltButton | EltInput | EltTextArea) => void

download: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

enable: (el: EltButton | EltInput | EltTextArea) => void

enabled: (enabled: any) => (el: EltButton | EltInput | EltTextArea) => void

height: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

href: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

id: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

lang: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

max: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltInput) => void

min: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltInput) => void

multiple: (el: EltInput) => void

name: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

nonce: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

placeholder: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

poster: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltVideo) => void

preload: (val: "auto" | "metadata" | "none") => (el: EltVideo) => void

rel: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

rows: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

rowspan: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

size: (w: number, h?: number) => (el: Elt) => Elt

src: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

srcObject: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltMedia) => void

step: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

tabindex: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

target: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

title: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

type: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

value: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: EltInput | EltSelect | EltTextArea) => void

width: (val: string | number | boolean) => (el: Elt) => void

server / capture


Capture: Capture

We really probably don't need to care about destruction when using elts on
the server, so we just implement a nop Capture and always return that.


Capture: () => Capture

We really probably don't need to care about destruction when using elts on
the server, so we just implement a nop Capture and always return that.

onDestroy: (_cb: unknown) => void

server / core


ApdArg: ApdArg

ApdArgs: ApdArgs

Cmt: Cmt

Elt: Elt

EltAudio: EltAudio

EltButton: EltButton

EltDiv: EltDiv

EltForm: EltForm

EltFormInput: EltFormInput

EltInput: EltInput

EltMedia: EltMedia

EltMeta: EltMeta

EltParagraph: EltParagraph

EltScript: EltScript

EltSelect: EltSelect

EltStyle: EltStyle

EltTextArea: EltTextArea

EltVideo: EltVideo

EltWithStyle: Elt

Evt: Evt

EvtBeforeUnload: Evt

EvtKeyboard: Evt

EvtMouse: Evt

EvtTgt: Elt

EvtTouch: Evt

EvtTransition: Evt

Nod: Nod


apd: (...chs: ApdArg[]) => (el: Elt) => void

attr: (attr: string) => (val: V) => (el: E) => void

clear: (el: Elt) => void

cls: (cls: string) => (el: T) => number

clsIf: (cls: string) => (toggle: any) => (el: T) => void

com: (data: string) => Cmt

elt: (tag: string, singleton?: boolean) => (...args: MixArgs) => T

eltForm: (tag: "input" | "select" | "textarea", singleton?: boolean) => (...args: MixArgs) => T

html: (chs: ApdArg[]) => (el: Elt) => Elt

on: (_ev: string) => (_fn: (el: U, ev: T) => void) => (_: U) => void

once: (_ev: string, _cb: (el: U, ev: T) => void) => (_: U) => void

orphan: (_el: Nod) => never

swap: (_o: T, _n: T) => never

style: (attr: string) => (...vals: ("" | T)[]) => (el: T) => T

text: (val: any) => (el: T) => string[]

server / db / db



DBConn: DBConn

server / db / db-mysql


DBMysql: (config: PoolConfig) => DB

MySQLDBConn: (conn: Connection) => DBConn

server / db / db-pg


DBPG: (pool: Pool) => DB

PGDBConn: (conn: PoolClient) => DBConn

server / db / filter


F: F

FAnd: FAnd

FEq: FEq

FFalse: FFalse


FIn: FIn



And: >(...filters: (F | undefined)[]) => F | undefined

Eq: >(column: K, val: T[K] | undefined) => FEq | undefined

EqNil: >(column: K, val: T[K]) => FEq

filterStr: >(f: F, placeholder: (value: any) => string) => string

GT: >(column: K, val: T[K] | undefined) => FGT | undefined

GTNil: >(column: K, val: T[K]) => FGT

In: >(column: K, vals: T[K][] | undefined) => FFalse | FIn | undefined

LT: >(column: K, val: T[K] | undefined) => FLT | undefined

LTNil: >(column: K, val: T[K]) => FLT

NotIn: >(column: K, vals: T[K][] | undefined) => FFalse | FIn | undefined

whereStr: >(where: F | undefined, placeholder: (value: any) => string) => string

server / db / migrate


Migration: Migration


migrate: (schemaDir: string, transact: (cb: (conn: DBConn) => Promise) => Promise, getExistingMigrations: (conn: DBConn) => Promise, putMigration: (conn: DBConn, file: string) => Promise<...>) => Promise<...>

server / db / order


OrderBy: OrderBy

Asc: Asc

Desc: Desc


Asc: (column: K) => Asc

Desc: (column: K) => Desc

orderByStr: (orderBy?: OrderBy[] | undefined) => string

server / db / stmt


Placeholders: Placeholders

Raw: Raw

Stmt: Stmt<_T>

ToStmt: ToStmt


getToStmt: (getPlaceholders: () => Placeholders) => ToStmt

Raw: (value: string) => Raw

returningStr: (columns: K[] | undefined) => string

server / db / table


TableView: TableView

RowType: RowType

Table: Table

DeleteArgs: DeleteArgs

InsertArgs: InsertArgs

StringObjects: StringObjects

UpdateArgs: UpdateArgs


Table: >({ delete_, insert, toStmt, update, }: { delete_(args: DeleteArgs): Stmt; insert(name: string, keys: K[], rows: StringObjects<...>[], args: InsertArgs<...>): Stmt<...>; toStmt: ToStmt; update(entries: [.....

TableView: >({ toStmt }: { toStmt: ToStmt; }) => (name: string) => TableView

server / elt


_form: (...args: MixArgs) => EltForm

_input: (...args: MixArgs) => EltInput

_link: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

_meta: (...args: MixArgs) => EltMeta

_style: (...args: MixArgs) => EltStyle

a: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

address: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

aside: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

b: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

body: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

br: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

button: (...args: MixArgs) => EltButton

canvas: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

code: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

dd: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

div: (...args: MixArgs) => EltDiv

dl: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

dt: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

figcaption: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

figure: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

footer: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

form: (...args: MixArgs) => EltForm

h1: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

h2: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

h3: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

h4: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

h5: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

h6: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

head: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

header: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

hr: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

html: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

i: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

img: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

input: (_type: string, ...args: MixArgs) => EltInput

label: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

li: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

link: (_rel: string, _href: string) => Elt

main: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

meta: (_name: string, _content: string) => EltMeta

nav: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

ol: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

option: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

p: (...args: MixArgs) => EltParagraph

pre: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

script: (...args: MixArgs) => EltScript

section: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

select: (...args: MixArgs) => EltSelect

small: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

span: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

style: (...args: MixArgs) => EltStyle

submit: (...args: MixArgs) => EltButton

table: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

tbody: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

td: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

textarea: (...args: MixArgs) => EltTextArea

tfoot: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

th: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

thead: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

time: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

title: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

tr: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

ul: (...args: MixArgs) => Elt

video: (...args: MixArgs) => EltVideo

preventDefault: (_: Elt) => void

textCSS: (el: Elt) => void

typeButton: (el: Elt) => void

server / env


env: (key: string, validate?: (v: string) => void | E | undefined) => string

envMap: (key: string, map: (v: string) => T, validate?: (v: T) => void | E | undefined) => T

envMapOptional: (key: string, map: (v: string) => T, validate?: (v: T) => void | E | undefined) => T | undefined

envOptional: (key: string, validate?: (v: string) => void | E | undefined) => string | undefined

mapped: (key: string, str: string, map: (v: string) => T, validate: (v: T) => void | E | undefined) => T

server / errors


asBadRequest: (v: unknown) => { status: number; message: string; }

assert: (cond: boolean, message?: string | undefined) => void

BadGateway: (message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

BadRequest: (message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

Found: (location: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

ifNotFound: (message?: string) => (val: T | undefined) => NonNullable

Internal: (message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

NotAuthorized: (message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

NotFound: (message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

ServerError: (status: number, message?: string) => { status: number; message: string; }

throwBadRequest: (error: unknown) => never

server / express / parse


BufferedFile: BufferedFile

FormData: FormData


promiseBodyParser: (limit: string | number | undefined) => (req: Request>, res: Response>, parseToT: (unknown: unknown) => T | PromiseLike<...>) => Promise<...>

parseBody1KB: (req: Request>, res: Response>, parseToT: (unknown: unknown) => T | PromiseLike<...>) => Promise<...>

parseBody100KB: (req: Request>, res: Response>, parseToT: (unknown: unknown) => T | PromiseLike<...>) => Promise<...>

parseBody1MB: (req: Request>, res: Response>, parseToT: (unknown: unknown) => T | PromiseLike<...>) => Promise<...>

parseFormData: (req: Request>) => Promise

parseQueryString: (req: Request>, cb: (parsed: Record) => T) => T

toBuffer: (stream: Readable) => Promise

server / http


Response: Response


queryString: (...args: [string, string | number | undefined][]) => string

req: (method: "delete" | "get" | "post" | "put", url: string, { data, headers }?: { data?: Record | undefined; headers?: Record | undefined; }) => Promise

statusIs: (...statuses: number[]) => (req: Response) => U

statusIsOK: (req: Response) => U

statusIsCreated: (req: Response) => U

statusIsDeleted: (req: Response) => U

server / https


Response: Response


queryString: (...args: [string, string | number | undefined][]) => string

req: (method: "delete" | "get" | "post" | "put", url: string, { data, headers }?: { data?: Record | undefined; headers?: Record | undefined; }) => Promise

statusIs: (...statuses: number[]) => (req: Response) => U

statusIsOK: (req: Response) => U

statusIsCreated: (req: Response) => U

statusIsDeleted: (req: Response) => U

server / match


match: (prop: PropView, render: (v: T) => Nod | null | undefined) => Nod

matchIf: (prop: PropView, render: (v: T) => Nod | null | undefined) => Nod

server / node


getDirname: (meta: ImportMeta) => string

server / on


onBeforeunload: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onBlur: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onChange: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onClick: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onDblclick: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onError: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onFocus: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onFullscreenchange: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onInput: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onKeydown: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onKeypress: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onKeyup: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onLoad: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onLoadedmetadata: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMousedown: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMouseleave: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMousemove: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMouseout: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMouseover: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onMouseup: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onPopstate: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onResize: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onScroll: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onSubmit: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

onTouchend: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onTouchleave: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onTouchmove: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onTouchstart: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onTransitionend: (_fn: (el: U, ev: Evt) => void) => (_: U) => void

onVisibilitychange: (_fn: (el: U, ev: unknown) => void) => (_: U) => void

server / parse


toDate: (v: string) => Date

toInt: (v: string) => number

toJSON: (map: (v: unknown) => T) => (v: string) => T

toNumber: (v: string) => number

tryParse: (v: string) => any

server / prop


$: (prop: PropView, f: (v: T) => ((el: U) => void) | null) => (el: U) => void

$$: (prop: PropView, f: (el: U, v: T) => void) => (el: U) => void

bind: (prop: Prop) => (el: T) => T

server / render


renderPage: (page: Elt) => string

renderStyle: (style: Record) => string | undefined

toAttrs: (el: Elt) => string

toHTML: (el: Cmt | Elt) => string

server / router


ServerRouter: (req: RokayRequest) => Router

server / server


RokayHandler: RokayHandler

RokayRequest: RokayRequest

RokayResponse: RokayResponse

RokayServerSSLConfig: RokayServerSSLConfig


getSSLConfig: () => RokayServerSSLConfig | undefined

RokayServer: (title: string, port: number, { production, sslConfig, staticDir, }: { production?: boolean | undefined; sslConfig?: RokayServerSSLConfig | undefined; staticDir: string; }, apis: RokayHandler[], notFound: (req: RokayRequest, res: RokayResponse) => string | ... 1 more ... | Promise<...>) => Server<...> | Server<...>

server / style


GlobalValues: GlobalValues


alignItems: (...vals: ("" | "center" | "end" | "start" | "baseline" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

animationDelay: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

background: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

backgroundColor: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

border: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

borderBottom: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

borderLeft: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

borderRadius: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

borderRight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

borderTop: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

bottom: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

boxShadow: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

boxSizing: (...vals: ("" | "border-box" | "content-box" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

color: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

cursor: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

display: (...vals: ("" | "none" | "block" | "flex" | "grid" | "inline" | "inline-block" | "inline-flex" | "inline-grid" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

fill: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

flex: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

flexDirection: (...vals: ("" | "column" | "row" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

float: (...vals: ("" | "none" | "left" | "right" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

fontFamily: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

fontSize: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

fontStyle: (...vals: ("" | "normal" | "italic" | "oblique" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

fontWeight: (...vals: ("" | "normal" | "bold" | "bolder" | "boldest" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

gap: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

gridTemplateColumns: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

height: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

imageRendering: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "crisp-edges" | "pixelated" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

justifyContent: (...vals: ("" | "center" | "end" | "start" | "space-around" | "space-between" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

left: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

lineHeight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

margin: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

marginBottom: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

marginLeft: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

marginRight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

marginTop: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

maxHeight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

maxWidth: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

minHeight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

minWidth: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

opacity: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

outline: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

overflow: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "scroll" | "hidden" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

padding: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingBottom: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingLeft: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingRight: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

paddingTop: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

pointerEvents: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "none" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

position: (...vals: ("" | "absolute" | "fixed" | "relative" | "static" | "sticky" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

right: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

size: (w: string, h?: string) => (el: T) => T

strokeDasharray: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

strokeWidth: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

textAlign: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

top: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

transform: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

transformOrigin: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

transition: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

userSelect: (...vals: ("" | "auto" | "none" | "all" | "contain" | "text" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

verticalAlign: (...vals: ("" | "sub" | "bottom" | "middle" | "top" | "baseline" | "super" | "text-bottom" | "text-top" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

visibility: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

whiteSpace: (...vals: ("" | "pre" | "normal" | "break-spaces" | "nowrap" | "pre-line" | "pre-wrap" | GlobalValues)[]) => (el: T) => T

width: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

zIndex: (...vals: unknown[]) => (el: T) => T

hide: (el: T) => T

invisible: (el: T) => T

show: (el: T) => T

visible: (el: T) => T

hideIf: (h: any) => (el: T) => T

showIf: (s: any) => (el: T) => T

visibleIf: (v: boolean) => (el: T) => T